UEC - Union Européenne des Experts Comptables Economiques et Financièrs
1963 | Edinburgh (European Congress of Accountants) | GB | |
1964 | V | Wien | AT |
1969 | VI | Köpenhamn | DK |
1973 | VII | Madrid | ES |
1978 | VIII | Dublin | IR |
1983 | IX | Strasbourg | FR |
1987 slås UEC samman med Groupe dÉtudes des Experts Comptables de la CEE under namndet FEE.
FEE - Fédération des Experts Comptables Européens
1989 | I | Bryssel | BE |
1991 | II | Venedig | IT |
1991 | Public sector I | Lissabon (Public sector accounting) | PT |
1993 | III | Köpenhamn | DK |
1995 | IV | Amsterdam | NL |
2006 | SME/SMP II | Versailles | FR |
2007 | SME-SMP III | Haag | NL |
2008 | SME/SMP IV | Köpenhamn | DK |
2010 | FEE-CNDCEC | Venedig | IT |
2017 övergår FEE till att bli Accountancy Europe
Accountancy Europe
2017 | Digital day | Bryssel | BE |
2017 | Tax day | Bryssel | BE |
2017 | Shaping the future Brussels | Bryssel | BE |
2018 | Digital day | Bryssel | BE |
2019 | Digital day | Bryssel | BE |
2020 | Tax day | Bryssel | BE |